Saturday, 23 May 2009
Diffuse F1
Just a short post about DiffuseF1 which went live at 7pm BST last night! It's a formula 1 blogging and forums site, essentially for the F1 twitter community and was founded by myself and another F1 twitterer (who has sorted the technical side... phew). I'm really pleased with how it's going so far with people registering, someone submitting a report on Monaco Quali, and comments being posted on the articles and forums. Hopefully it will continue to grow! So, if you're an F1 fan why not take a look and maybe even submit an article. You can also follow us on twitter by clicking here.
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Domestic Goddess
Wow, such a busy week and it's still only Thursday!
I have decided that I want to cook more things from scratch, as I enjoy cooking but hardly ever seem to get the time to do much of it, other than adding a jar of sauce to some meat when I get home form work! So, with my book of quick to make recipes in hand I have vowed to cook at least two meals a week from scratch, hopefully three. So far it's going well; last week we had maple & hickory ribs, pork and prosciutto meatballs with a madeira sauce, and toad in the hole made with pigs in blankets! This week we've had smoky chicken skewers, mexican beef stew with lime and chilli, and chilli and garlic pasta. I even managed to find time to bake some muffins! (Not wanting to brag or anything).
The only flaw in this plan is that I have also been busy working on Diffuse F1, which will go live in time for this weekend, so tuesday night was cook stew, bake muffins, do some photoshop, write an article... there wasn't much time left for TV!
Talking of TV... Dollhouse started this week in the UK, an event I have been waiting for after reading many tweets form America about how great it is. I enjoyed the first episode and I'm looking forward to next week and seeing how it develops. It's nice to have a new series to get absorbed into, especially as ER is about to come to an end.
Anyway, that's it for now as tonight's uncreative dinner of fish & chips form the freezer is nearly ready!
PS. Watch out for the launch of DiffuseF1!
Friday, 15 May 2009
First Post!
Well, here we go then; I'm trying out this blogging lark for the first time!
This first post is going to be very random and all over the place, as I've not picked a particular thing to write about. The reason for this is that I would probably normally choose to talk about Formula 1, but I'm saving that up for Diffuse F1 when it finally goes live. If you don't know what Diffuse F1 is, it's a group blog that's being set up for F1 fans on twitter. Hopefully it'll be very exciting!
The other reason I don't want to write about F1 here, is that I'm getting rather cross with all the politics at the moment, what with the FIA coming up with silly rules and more than half the teams threatening to pull out.
So, what else? Well, last weekend I went to see Star Trek, so a few words on that would be appropriate. I thought the movie was fantastic, and all the new actors did a really good job. The only thing I wasn't really sure about was the romance between Spock and Uhura. Still, there were lots of great in joke for trekkies like myself, and Scotty even had some pet tribbles! The plot was very sneaky, using what has to be one of the oldest sci-fi tricks in the book to get around any continuity problems and leaving it open to do what ever they want in the future, but I did spot one potential error: I thought it came across that James T. was the first born child of George Kirk, but we know form TOS episode 'Operation Annihilate' that he had an older brother called George, known to Jim as 'Sam'. But never mind! I thought both Spock's were brilliant, and it was lovely to have Leonard Nimoy in the film. I really need to see it again, as I'm sure I missed some things.
I don't really have much else to say right now, other than that I hope to be able to find something to blog about at least once a week, and will try and make posts more targeted with everything from my thoughts on subject I feel strongly about to book and film reviews.
This first post is going to be very random and all over the place, as I've not picked a particular thing to write about. The reason for this is that I would probably normally choose to talk about Formula 1, but I'm saving that up for Diffuse F1 when it finally goes live. If you don't know what Diffuse F1 is, it's a group blog that's being set up for F1 fans on twitter. Hopefully it'll be very exciting!
The other reason I don't want to write about F1 here, is that I'm getting rather cross with all the politics at the moment, what with the FIA coming up with silly rules and more than half the teams threatening to pull out.
So, what else? Well, last weekend I went to see Star Trek, so a few words on that would be appropriate. I thought the movie was fantastic, and all the new actors did a really good job. The only thing I wasn't really sure about was the romance between Spock and Uhura. Still, there were lots of great in joke for trekkies like myself, and Scotty even had some pet tribbles! The plot was very sneaky, using what has to be one of the oldest sci-fi tricks in the book to get around any continuity problems and leaving it open to do what ever they want in the future, but I did spot one potential error: I thought it came across that James T. was the first born child of George Kirk, but we know form TOS episode 'Operation Annihilate' that he had an older brother called George, known to Jim as 'Sam'. But never mind! I thought both Spock's were brilliant, and it was lovely to have Leonard Nimoy in the film. I really need to see it again, as I'm sure I missed some things.
I don't really have much else to say right now, other than that I hope to be able to find something to blog about at least once a week, and will try and make posts more targeted with everything from my thoughts on subject I feel strongly about to book and film reviews.
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